Sunday, September 2, 2007

December Notables and Famous Birthdays

National Tie Month

12/1 Rosa Parks Jailed
12/1 World Aid's Day
12/2 International for Abolition of Slavery Day
12/2 Special Education Day
12/3 International Day of Disabled Persons

12/4 National Nice Day
12/5 Walt Disney
12/5 Bathtub Party Day
12/7 Pearl Harbor Bombed

12/8 Mary Queen of Scots
12/10 Emily Dickinson
12/10 Human Rights Day
12/10 Nobel Prize Day
12/12 Gingerbread House Day
12/12 Poinsettia Day

12/16 Arthur C. Clarke
12/16 Beethoven
12/16 Boston Tea Party
12/16 National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
12/17 Wright Brother's Day
12/18 Migrants Day
12/20 Sacagawea
12/21 National Humbug Day
12/21 Winter Solstice Day
12/25 Christmas Day
12/26 National Candy Cane Day
12/26 National Whiner's Day
12/31 Make up Your Mind Day

12/1-12/7 Cookie Cutter Week
12/1-12/8 Recipe Greetings For the Holidays Week
12/2-12/8 National Hand Washing Awareness Week
12/25-12/31 It's About Time Week

November Notables and Famous Birthdays

Peanut Butter
Epilepsy Awareness
Mercian Diabetics Awareness

Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness
I Am So Thankful Month
Military Family Appreciation
National Aids Awareness Month
National Hospices
National Alzheimer Month

11/1 All Saints Day
11/1 Author's Day
11/1 Family Literacy Day
11/2 Daniel Boone
11/2 Marie Antoinette
11/3 National Tongue Twister Day
11/8 Margaret Mitchell
11/9 Child Safety Council
11/11 Veteran's Day
11/13 National Young Reader's Day
11/13 World Wide Kindness Day
11/14 Monet
11/14 Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day
11/14 National Teddy Bear Day
11/15 America Recycle
11/17 Homemade Bread Day
11/19 Indira Gandhi
11/21 Pumpkin Pie Day
11/22 J. F. K. Dies
11/23 You're Welcome/Giving Day
11/27 James Agee
11/28 C. S. Lewis
11/28 Louisa May Alcott
11/30 Mark Twain
11/30 Stay at Home Cause You Are Well Day
11/11-11/17 National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week
11/12-11/18 Worldwide Kindness Week
11/16-11/22 National Farm and City Week
11/18-11/24 National Family Week
11/18-11/24 National Game and Puzzle Week
11/18-11/25 National Bible Week

October Notables and Famous Birthdays

Disability Awareness
Christopher Columbus
Jewish Holiday-Suddot
Fire Prevention
National Popcorn Month
National Computer Learning Month
National Hunger Awareness Month
National Book Month
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Caramel Month
Chili Month
Bake and Decorate Month
Cookie Month
Dental Hygiene Month
Depression Awareness Month
Down Syndrome Month
P. J.'s Month
Liver Awareness Month
Reading Group Month
Roller Skating Month
Seafood Month
Pastor Appreciation Month
Positive Attitude Month

10/1 International Day of the Older Person

10/2 Mahatma Gandhi
10/2 National Custodial Worker's Day

10/3 James Herriot
10/3 Balloons Around the World
10/5 Worldwide Teacher's Day
10/8 Columbus Day
10/8 National American Day
10/10 National Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work/School Day
10/10 Cake Decoration Day
10/15 National Grouch Day

10/16 Noah Webster
10/16 Dictionary Day
10/20 Sweetest Day
10/21 Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Day
10/27 Navy Day
10/28 National Chocolate Day
10/30 National Candy Corn Day
10/31 Halloween
10/31 Give Books as a Treat Day
10/31 National UNICEF Day

September Notables and Famous Birthdays

Back to School Month
Grandparent's Day
Labor Day
Native American Month
Hispanic American Month
Save the Tiger
National Honey Month
Fall Hat
International Self awareness Month
Library Sign-Up Month
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Month
Pleasure Your Mate
Skin Cancer Awareness

9/1 Libraries Remember Day

9/1 Patriot Day
9/3 Waffle Day
9/6 DO IT DAY- Fight Procrastination
9/7 Grandma Moses
9/7 Feel the Love
9/8 Library Day
9/8 Potato Day
9/9 Grandparents Day
9/13 Jewish New Year
9/15 Sing it Out Day
9/15 Eat an Apple Day
9/15 Wife Appreciation Day
9/16 Trail of Tears Commendation
9/17 Constitution Day
9/21 First day of Fall
9/21 POW/MIA Recognition Day
9/21 Yom Kippar
9/22 National White Chocolate Day
9/22 R. E. A. D. in America Day
9/23 Good Neighbor Day

9/24 F. Scott Fitzgerald
9/25 (1690) First Newspaper Published
9/26 National Women's Health and Fitness Day
9/26 Johnny Appleseed
9/28 (1857) Harriet Tubman Led Her Parents to Freedom
9/15-Oct 15 Hispanic Heritage Awareness
9/6-9/8 Popcorn Week

9/20 Upton Sinclair
9/16-9/22 Tolkien week

9/25 William Faulkner
9/26 T. S. Eliot
9/21-9/30 Religious freedom
9/23-9/30 Banned books-celebrate the freedom to read
9/23-9/30 Deaf Awareness Week

July Notables and Famous Birthdays

7/1 Liv Tyler
7/1 Princess Diana
7/1 Pamela Anderson
7/1 Olivia DeHavilland
7/3 Tom Cruise
7/4 Independence Day
7/7 Ringo Starr
7/9 O.J. Simpson
7/11 E. B. White
7/12 Henry David Thoreau
7/16 Will Ferrell
7/21 Robin Williams
7/22 Rose Kennedy
7/23 Daniel Radcliffe
7/24 Amelia Earhart
7/31 J. K. Rowling

American Beer Month
Baked Beans Month
Hitchhiking Month
Hot Dog Month
Blueberry Month
Fireworks Safety Month
Ice Cream Month
Lead Poison Control Week
Peach Month
Read an Almanac Month

August Notables and Famous Birthdays

8/1 Herman Melville
8/1 Birth of the Internet
8/2 Lincoln Penny Issued
8/4 Queen Elizabeth I
8/4 Chocolate Chip Day
8/5 Sister Day
8/5 Friendship Day
8/5 Lady of Liberty Corner Stone Laid
8/6 U.S. Bomb Hiroshima
8/7 Garrison Keillor
8/8 Happiness Happens Day
8/8 Underwear Day
8/10 Kool-Aid Day
8/10 Smithsonian Institute Founded
8/14 Navajo Code Takers Day
8/15 Best Friends Day
8/15 Relaxation Day
8/17 Davy Crockett Day
8/18 Homeless Animal Day
8/21 Hawaii Becomes a State
8/22 Be an Angel Day
8/23 Remembrance of Slave Trade and its Abolition
8/25 Kiss and Make-Up Day
8/26 Dog Day
8/26 Pony Express Day
8/26 Women's Equality Day
8/28 Leo Tolstoy
8/30 Toasted Marshmallow Day

DOG Days
Family Union Days
Bake Bean Month
Black Family Month
Hot Dog Month
Make a Difference to Children Month
Special Days

June Notables and Famous Birthdays

6/3 Jefferson Davis
6/8 Frank Lloyd Wright
6/10 Saul Bellow
6/11 Jacques Cousteau
6/12 Baseball's Hall of Fame Opened
6/12 Ann Frank
6/14 Flag day and my anniversary
6/14 Harriet Beecher Stowe
6/14 Jerry Kosinski
6/21 Summer Solstice
6/26 George Orwell
6/26 Pearl S. Buck
6/27 Helen Keller
6/28 King Henry VIII

Brazilian American Day
School's Out
Father's Day

May Notables and Famous Birthdays

5/1 May Day
5/1 School Principal Day

5/3 Golda Meir
5/3-5/5 Emmet the Clown Days
5/3 National Day of Prayer
5/3 National Day of Reason

5/7 Robert Browning
5/9 National Night Workers Day
5/11 Eat What You Want Day
5/15 National Chocolate Chip Day
5/18 National Pizza Day
5/1-5/7 Eat Dessert First Week
5/1-5/7 National Fairy Godmother Week
5/6-5/12 National Hug Week
5/6-5/12 National Nurse's Week
5/3-5/12 National Teacher Appreciation Week
5/13-5/19 Reading is Fun Week

Hearing Loss
Mother's Day
Armed Forces Day
Get Caught Reading
National Hamburger Month
National Military Appreciation Month
National Salsa Month
Personal History

April Notables and Famous Birthdays

4/1 April Fool's Day
4/1 National Fun Day
4/2 Hans Christian Anderson
4/3 Jane Goodall
4/3 Picoba Street
4/3 Washington Irving
4/4 Maya Angelo
4/4 Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
4/7 Billie Holiday
4/7 No Housework Day
4/12 Tom Clancey
4/15 Leondaro de Vince
4/15 Husband Appreciation Day
4/15-4/21 National Library Week
4/16 Charlie Chaplin
4/16 Wilbur Wright
4/17 Ellis Island Family History Day
4/17 National Stress Awareness Day
4/21 Kindergarten Day
4/21 Queen Elizabeth II
4/22 National Jelly Bean Day
4/22 William Shakespeare
4/24 Anthony Trollop
4/25 Red Hat Society Day
4/26 John James Audubon
4/27 Coretta Scott King
4/27 Samuel Morse
4/27 Ulysses S. Grant
4/29 William Randolph Hearst

Arbor Day
Be Vigilante Against Child Abuse Month
Cancer Awareness Month
Couple Appreciation Month
Holocaust Awareness Month
Jazz Appreciation Month
Keep America Beautiful
National Poetry Month
Southern Belle Month
Straw Hat Month

March Notables and Famous Birthdays

3/1 World Book Day
3/2 NEA Read Across America
3/2 World Day of Prayer
3/3 I Want You to be Happy Day
3/4 Healing from the Inside Out Day
3/5 Fun Facts About Your Name Day
3/6 Elizabeth Barrett Browning
3/6 Michalangelo
3/6 Unique Name Day
3/8 International Women Working Day
3/9 Get Over It Day
3/9 Panic Day
3/15 Brutus Day (Ides of March)
3/19 Wyatt Earp
3/19 National Chocolate Caramel Day
3/22 Andrew Lloyd Webber
3/24-3/25 Yo-Yo Day
3/26 Make Your Own Holiday
3/30 Vincent van Gogh

American Red Cross Month
Irish-American Month
Women's History Month

February Notables and Famous Birthdays

2/1 Bubble Gum Invented
2/2 Ayn Rand
2/2 Ground Hogs Day
2/2 James Joyce
2/2 Wear Red
2/3 James Michener
2/4 Rosa Parks
2/7 Laura Ingalls Wilder
2/7 Charles Dickens
2/7 Sinclair Lewis
2/11 Sidney Sheldon
2/11 Thomas Edison
2/11-2/17 Jell-O Week
2/12 Abraham Lincoln
2/12-2/18 Random Acts Of Kindness Week
2/14 Valentine's Day
2/15 Gum Drop Day
2/15 Susan B. Anthony
2/17 National PTA Founders Day
2/19 National Chocolate Mint Day
2/20 International Pancake Day
2/22 Chopin
2/22 National Chili Day
2/23 Iwo Jima Day
2/23 John Sanford
2/27 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
2/28 National Tooth Fairy Day

Black History Month
Heart Awareness
Heart Failure Awareness Week
International Boost Self Esteem
Library Lovers
Mardi Gras
National Bird Feeding
National Cherry Pie
National Craft Month
National Kidney Month
National Time Management
National Wedding Month
Women's Heart Care Month

January Notables and Famous Birthdays

1/1 Betsy Ross
1/1 Paul Revere
1/4 Jacob Grimm (fairy tales)
1/6 Joan of Arc
1/8 James Longstreet
1/10 Rasputin
1/14 Albert Schweitzer
1/14 Benedict Arnold
1/15 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
1/17 Benjamin Franklin
1/18 A. A. Milne
1/22 Joseph Wambaugh
1/23 Edith Wharton
1/27 Mozart
1/31 Zane Grey

Celebration of Life
Cervical Cancer Awareness
Chinese New Year
Gourmet Coffee
International Creativity
The Super Bowl